Coaching, travel and time travel
Artists who are much cleverer than I (which is pretty much all of them) use a technique called “forced perspective” to challenge the perception of the viewer…

Why the social lives of your employees matter
Humans are social beings.
Unlike many animals in the world we cannot survive without the nurturance of others.

Dealing with Loss of Motivation
We’re about five or six weeks into the new year now and from my clinical experience over the years, this is about the time when a lot of people who have made plans or resolutions to do some things differently in the New Year start to struggle with fading motivation.

Health Coaching in Practice - Podcast
Health Coaching in Practice with Kim Poyner Practice Nurse and Simon Matthews Psychologist

What Health Practitioners Can Learn From Amazon
When I talk to clients about health behavior change, it’s fairly common for people already to be aware of changes they think they need to make. It might be losing weight, increasing physical activity, increasing vegetable intake, dealing with stress better, addressing sleep or any of the other myriad behaviours that can harm our health.

Is your patient ready for change? (YES!!!)
“Is my patient ready for change?” is the question that occupies the mind of most, if not all, health practitioners. But in honesty, it’s the wrong question.
The really important question to ask is “What type of change is my client ready for?”

Reflections on the Australian Conference on Evidence Based Coaching
Wellcoaches Australia faculty member Kim Poyner attended the Australian Conference on Evidence Based Coaching at Sydney University on 15-16 February 2020. Here are her reflections.
The Evidence Based Coaching Conference started off with a hive of activity, lots of long lost colleagues and friends connecting and sharing…

Communication - the essence of trust
Ever wondered “Why do my patients do what they do, when they know what they know???” Working in general medical practice we are presented with opportunities to engage and connect with our patients in a work environment that is so varied and diverse.

Happiness, Resilience and Managing Stress
Most people have some idea about at least one of the concepts of happiness, resilience and managing stress. When I talk to people about their understanding of these things, the ideas that people express vary quite widely.

Can You Have Too Much Empathy?
For my money, one of the most helpful ways to define empathy is the capacity to recognise, identify, understand and reflect the emotional state of another.

Supporting Behaviour Change – the Engine Room of Lifestyle Medicine
“Knowledge is Power” goes the saying, often attributed to the 17th century Philosopher and Scientist Sir Francis Bacon

Food & Mood
The saying “You are what you eat” seems to have its origins almost two centuries ago.

Developing An Attitude Of Gratitude
If I asked you to think of one small thing that’s in your power to do right now, that could have a significant positive impact on your mood and psychological well-being, what comes to mind?